miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

Grand Canyon Red - Benjamin Moore - 2090-10

By Juliana Arosemena

Grand Canyon Red,
Spreading out for miles and miles,
Thy creases and cracks
A billion years old,
Are wise and sore
Like the old man’s soul.

The sun begins to set
And thy colors turn
Orange, gold, and red.
Such majesty,
Such grace,
Such knowledge buried
Under thy layers,
Each one a billion years older
Than the other.

Thy Colorado frets
Upon thy walls,
Yet thou remain unscathed,
And it is I who returns wounded
Once again to the warmth of thy soul.
Thou give me comfort,
Thou give me peace,
Thou seem to be the shining sun
After the constant storm
Within our souls.

Thou crack open
Arizona into two, and
Everyday both ends pull further apart.
Thy caverns, caves, and cuts
All match the patterns of my heart.
The little Condors break their wings apart
Trying to fly from one end to another.

When once the Colorado
Streamed vividly through thou,
Full of life and peace
Were all of us.
Now its absence has left wounds;
And it is only from the Hermit’s Rest
That we can see
What seems to be a trickle of it left.
For we must go deep
Before we actually realize its presence
Is still there.

Grand Canyon Red,
I miss thy warmth,
Thy comfort,
Thy peace,
Thou entirely.
I want to press my ear
Against thy surface,
Feel thy warm heartbeat across the soil,
Hear the silence—peaceful
Silence in the stress-less air—
I want thou back.

Grand Canyon Red,
We need thou more than ever,
For we’ve split further apart,
With a crack bigger than yourself.
Only you can quiet down
Such thunder,
Such clash that has gone out of hand.
Grand Canyon Red,
We need thou back.

For more color collective poems click here.

1 comentario:

  1. OMG JULIANA!!! WOW! This is amazing and beautiful, you left me speechles. Everything is perfect, the use of words is fantastic, the breaking of your lines and rhymes, and I just love the way you described it all. Esta belloooo especialmente porque see de que estas hablando en verdad, no solo del Grand Canyon. Great jobbbb, love youuuuu :* <3
