martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Explosion by Mistake

            A couple of years ago, me and Mateo, the son of my country house butler, were very excited about New Year’s Eve because it’s a tradition in our family to launch fireworks at the end of every year. This time, we were going to have an año Viejo, a human size doll filled with saw dust, straw, and some fireworks. People all around sell them, and the dolls are also decorated and are made as impressions of famous people. Anyway, we could not hold our excitement because this year the año Viejo would be filled with extra fireworks so we were really looking forward for the night.
            The day went by quickly and we did our daily vacation schedules: eat, run around, make mud piles, ride bikes, climb trees, and take a bath before midnight (the first we’ve taken in three days).  We met at 11:45 PM in the warehouse, where the año Viejo was supposed to be stored, and indeed it was. The doll was decorated to look like a large sized Toad, you know from Mario Kart. Boy was I satisfied that Toad was going to be blown up, (the whole family hates that little jerk to its guts. We all play a lot of Mario Kart and Toad’s always getting on our nerves). Mateo and I left to grab something to eat, eager for the clock to mark 12 o’clock.
            This is what I wanted to get to, the tragedy that occurred. As the countdown from ten started, Tito started to walk towards Toad with the open flame that would detonate the fireworks. As Mateo playfully pushed me, I pushed him back, (there may have been a slight chance that I used a little too much strength to push him) and so Mateo fell back, pushing Tito towards the año Viejo. Instead of lighting the match, the whole thing caught on fire, and all of us had to run to cover! And so Toad blew up violently (not that it wasn’t anything to be sorry about) and I didn’t take the blame for pushing Mateo. I hope that this year, since I’m seeing him again, he’ll forgive me for my lack of courage, I’ll try to pursue him into forgiving me. I’ll tell him it has to be his resolution, but we’ll see.

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