lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

The Life-changing Teacher

            It’s amazing really, how just one person can impact your entire life, and change your opinion about lots of stuff in just six months. When I first started this school year, I was mostly worried about my English class teacher, Mrs. Meadows. I’d heard lots about her, and I’d drawn my conclusions: great teacher, lots of work, it’s my funeral. I had the idea that even though Mrs. Meadows was indeed, a wonderful educator, it would be my funeral because she would require us to read tons of books, and the words “Juliana” and “avid  reader” only go together in a sentence when there’s an “isn’t” in between them.
            I really didn’t get much joy from reading books, it was just words put together and that had a certain flow, nothing magical really. Reading was the least thing that I would want to do, I’m a good reader, but I despise reading. So there I was, the girl who hates books sitting right in front of the teacher who loves them, great. Yet something happened that very first day I met Mrs. Meadows, she introduced to me a new way to look at books, like pieces of art instead of wasted paper. She taught me how to appreciate books, how to take my time and analyze it, she taught me basically how to read how you’re supposed to read.
            I still don’t know how it happened really. One day I was sitting in my chair, hating books and being all Holden towards them, and then the next thing I knew, I had read the whole Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer  in two weeks! I would’ve never discovered the magic of those books without Mrs. Meadows, and I never would’ve known how amazing books can be. Now, it’s not the whole book I hate when I read one, it’s just a certain aspect or a character. She taught me how to value books, and I owe her so much for that. Someone who doesn’t appreciate books is someone who is unfortunately under the darkness of ignorance. Mrs. Meadows reached in and pulled me out; she saved me from ending up oblivious to the great books that wait for me out there. It’s safe to say that Mrs. Meadows more than just middle school teacher, she’s a life teacher, and so much more. There are still lots I have to learn from such a wonderful teacher, and there’s so much I’ve learned, the only thing left to say is that I love her for teaching me such great lessons in life, and for being such an awesome teacher. Thank you Mrs. Meadows!

2 comentarios:

  1. Really good memoir Juliana! I can relate because before coming to Balboa Academy, I hated reading as well and now, I love it.
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Haha... I laughed when you said the whole "Juliana" and "avid reader" thing! I can deffenitely relate to this, cause I´m really not fascinated by books.... but try everyday :) Great job!
